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Once upon a time a small boy set his mind on going to a forest to pick up mushrooms. The dense forest resounded with the exceptionally beautiful singing of various species of birds. The weather was ideal and every creature came to life. Leaves on the trees were glistening gaily with different colours. The boy placidly walked through the forest contemplative, with his eyes fixed on the surrounding nature. Out of the blue, he realised that he had lost his way. He stood helpless and on the verge of weeping in a clearing. Eventually, he fell to the ground exhausted and fell asleep on some soft moss. He was woken up early in the morning by the pat-pat-patter of a woodpecker. When he opened his sleepy eyes, he was so stunned at what he saw and he lay motionless at a loss for words. Surrounding him was a group of tiny dwarfs looking curiously at the extremely large stranger. They resolved to take him to their minute, mysteriously sounding kingdom and crowned him as their new master and ruler.
Episode about the pilgrims


Spróbuj swoich sił w czymś krajowym. Jak tak dalej pójdzie to będą tu wstawiać miniaturki po chińsku i arabsku


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[quote]5. Użytkownik nie ma prawa do : i) Publikowania danych, w innym niż polski - języku.


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