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    • w bocznej nawie gdzieś zawisło zamyślone smutne amen już na końcu za modlitwą a tak cicho wyszeptane   jakby naraz się przelękło danych niebu wszystkich przysiąg za tę prośbę tylko jedną za nadzieję że usłyszą   choć anioły przycupnięte pośród ikon i witraży czy słów trzeba jeszcze więcej może Jemu to wystarczy
    • @Leszczym   Dlatego bezpośrednia republika jest najlepszym systemem: Sejmiki Gminne będą miały charakter samoorganizacji - niezależnej i dobrowolnej i dzięki temu nikt nie będzie miał wpływu na gminnych posłów - obce służby specjalne, międzynarodowe korporacje, różnorakie lobby, media, dewoloperzy, bankierzy i czarna mafia - kościół, nie wspominając już o marginalnej patologii, a wiadomo: większość nie ma racji, tylko: mniejszość i to właśnie świadoma, aktywna i pracowita mniejszość będzie reprezentowała interesy Narodu Polskiego, jeśli ktoś ma inne interesy: niezgodne z polską racją stanu, to: wtedy będzie trzeba z urzędu sprawdzić jegomościa (Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego), teraz mamy: de facto - anarchię pod maską demokracji.   Łukasz Jasiński 
    • Kolejowo   pociąg do Johna czuł w Gwatemali Mark więc gdy razem już zamieszkali wciąż kolejką się bawili a makieta na pół willi to się i często wykolejali   Oszczędnościowy keks   Bianca dla Toma keks w Gwatemali piecze bez cukru oraz bakalii słodkie ciacho przecież z niego a nim dojdzie co do czego to z nią dość długo się pomigdali   Stary sposób usztywniania   leniwa praczka Ann z Gwatemali wykorzystuje wciąż siłę drwali by usztywnić koszul sto szepnie w uszko chłopcze wio i wie że każdy się rozkrochmali   Spłata w naturze   żona bankiera raz w Gwatemali widząc że ściągnął mąż prócz korali wszyściusieńko już z Elżbietki pewnie także i odsetki pozazdrościła długów spirali   Rowerowe nadzieje   miłośnik chłopców bas z Gwatemali zaprosił ślicznych trzech do La Scali zachwycony nimi szczerze dał każdemu po rowerze może się który wreszcie spedali   Manewry?   w ślad za Konchitą przez Gwatemalę szedł cały pluton w tym trzej kaprale każdy boje toczyć z nią chciał w tych potyczkach martwych brak ciał więc bardzo wzrosło wojska morale   Kolejowe wspominki   rzewnie wspomina Joe Gwatemalę i Ann odzianą tylko w korale gdy w wagonie z kuszetkami mogli leżeć sobie sami dziś chciałby chociaż stać w jej przedziale
    • @Ajar41 Rżysko po słonecznikach   siał słoneczniki zakonnik w Pisku olej da poślizg i ciut połysku mniszkom do żniw pilno także wolą księdzu dać po viagrze niż kucanego berka na rżysku   Pozdrowionka.
    • In memory of Zoya Zelinskaya (née Yushchuk), the Meritorious Activist of Culture of Poland, 1976  Ku pamięci Zoji Zelińskiej (ur. Juszczuk), Zasłużonego Działacza Kultury Polski, 1976 r.   Mrs. Theresa and Mr. Vladek  in their incessant no-win struggle in the 13 Chairs Pub Pani Teresa i Pan Władek w nieustannej walce bez zwycięstwa w Knajpkie "13 Krzeseł"   A FAIRY TALE FOR ADULTS BAIJKA DLA DOROSŁYCH   A SOUND OF CRASH OUTSIDE Mrs. Theresa: It’s the devil knows what! It’s the devil knows what! Mr. Vladek: I’m sick and tired of that al last! Mrs. Theresa: Ah! It’s the devil knows what! Why should you brake on a wet slippery road? Mr. Vladek: But I started braking after you’d grasped at the wheel. Mrs. Theresa: I caught hold of it because you drove at warp speed. Mr. Vladek: I stepped on the gas to escape from a FIAT whose driver was called names by you. Mrs. Theresa: I called names because the FIAT driver looked at me and gave the screw-loose sign at the moment you were overtaking him. Mr. Vladek: He put his forefinger to his temple and twisted it because you put out your right hand as if to show that we were to turn right! Mrs. Theresa: I put out my right hand to show you the tree we were about to run into because of your idiotic driving. Mr. Vladek: But we ran into the other tree! Mrs. Theresa: Of course! As always you did all to spite me! L`IN CHORUS: That’s all! Enough! Divorce! Mrs. Theresa: Right now, immediately, on the spot! Divorce! Mr. Vladek: Without any delay! Presenter: Good evening! Mr. Vladek: Good evening! Mrs. Theresa: (with annoyance) Good evening, goo`evening, goo`vning! Yes, yes, yes. yes! Presenter: Our old acquaintances, Theresa and Vladek. The spouses live in accordance with the law of unity and struggle of opposites. Stating that what is real is reasonable Hegel never meant by this their marriage *).   INDOORS Mr. Józef: Oh, my cheers for you. L`IN CHORUS: Good Evening. Mr. Józef: Welcome, Mr. Vladek. AT TABLE Mrs. Theresa: Why did I marry that awkward person! Dozens of men made court to me! They were clever than you, I think. Mr. Vladek: Now I don’t doubt they really were. What a ... I was when I married you. Mrs. Theresa: Yes, my dear. I was so in love with you that failed to notice it at once. Now full stop! Mr. Vladek: Agree! Period! Enough! Mrs. Theresa: Divorce! Mr. Vladek: Divorce! Mrs. Theresa: Right now! This instant! Presenter: Even after finding herself in a short story `Divorce` by Felix Derecki after a short story `A family couple and highway` by Stefania Grodzieńska **) Mrs. Theresa contrived to remain a very practical lady. She took the initiative in her family in her own hands and held it so tightly that almost strangled it. Mr. Vladek (on second thoughts): But whence it turns so, that divorce? We can’t afford of it. What about our car? Our new furniture we’d bought the day before yesterday? Mrs. Theresa: The car has been smashed. Mr. Vladek: I’d hardly wrecked her if ... Mrs. Theresa: But you’ve smashed, smashed her! Furniture? No problem. Just look. Here’s our ottoman, sideboard, bookcase with a built-in bar, table and chairs. Mr. Vladek: Where’s the portrait of a ***)grandfather? Mrs. Theresa: Here you are! Have your portrait of a grandfather. Mr. Vladek: With the Russian wolfhounds ****) at his feet! Mrs. Theresa: With the Russian wolfhounds at his feet! As I was saying, ottoman is going to be mine! Mr. Vladek: Awesome! In exchange for it I’m going to take our table and chairs. Besides I let you have the portrait of a grandfather with the Russian wolfhounds at his feet! Mrs. Theresa: Ha-ha! Your portrait of a grandfather is the last thing that I need. Especially as because he hadn’t been a hunter according the latest news! Mr. Vladek: He hadn’t been, had he? A grandfather? Mrs. Theresa: A grandfather! Mr. Vladek: I recall distinctly how he fired a gu .... Mrs. Theresa: Here you are. Keep a grandfather, I`ll take table and chairs in exchange of his portrait. Mr. Vladek: Oh my! You are going to get the excellent oak chairs in exchange for a grandfather, even though he only pretended to be a hunter? Mrs. Theresa: All right! To avoid unnecessary negotiations I offer to come to an amicable agreement. Ottoman, sideboard, bookcase with a built-in bar are going to be mine, a grandfather is going to remain yours, I`m going to have a mini system in return for his portrait as well as our table and chairs. Mr. Vladek: For goodness` sake, I want to live too. Mrs. Theresa: Live. Mr. Vladek: Theresa, as a matter of fact, what is that very divorce? Just a mere formality! What if to try back from a fresh start? Mrs. Theresa: The fresh start from a grandfather as a starting point, the one who, by the way, even wasn’t a hunter, is only appropriate for folks of twenty, my dear. As to you, you are a have not. Mr. Vladek: Lemme .. Mrs. Theresa: A have not! Mr. Vladek: A have not! Mrs. Theresa: You don’t even have furniture. ... By the way, Vladek! It concerns our furniture ... The wife of Kovalsky, our neighbour from the 10th flat, saw our furniture yesterday and greened with envy. Today she`s literally bursting with envy! Mr. Vladek: What made you think so? Mrs. Theresa: Why do you think she presented the toy kit of The Young Carpenter with our Voitek? Swish-swish-swish! Mr. Vladek: Swish-swish-swish! A-ha! I’ve guessed! Mrs. Theresa: Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes! Mr. Vladek: To saw up our new furniture! Mrs. Theresa: Keep your eyes glued on Voitek. Mr. Vladek: Theresa, aren`t we going to divorce any more? Mrs. Theresa: My dear, at least until you have our car repaired keep your mind off any divorce ... whatever much you might wish it. Mrs. Theresa - Zoya Zelinskaya (a propos, my fave Russian actress, maybe, I seem to be that very Mr. Vladek by my temper). Mr. Vladek - Roman Tkachuk. Though Zoya Zelinskaya was the wife of the director of the show, Georgy Zelinsky, her partner used to make her to literally stick to the script and never permitted to relax as he always set himself and his partners high standards of acting.    
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