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The enervated pilgrims restlessly wandered through the desert sitting on their camels loaded with skinfuls of water and some intensely durable food, mostly seeds and dactyls. The heated wind blew throwing sand in their eyes mercilessly, spurting of hot air and scorching their faces incessantly. After a dozen or so days of journey, they realized fearfully that the supply of food is almost running low and the water is no longer drinkable. A terribly shocking pandemonium broke out among those people. They were so frustrated and helpless that they sneaked the leftovers surreptitiously from one another, simultaneously being able to murder in cold blood for a drop of water. But the worst was the loss of dignity and deprivation of human nature. And suddenly a spark of hope reappeared as they saw an oasis bursting with life and energy. However, it was just a mirage. They all died of thirst and emaciation.


teraz po ludzku: po polsku, zulusku czy jeszcze jakoś inaczej, treść jest no... cienka... klimat niby jest, ale nie ma historii. nie ma dramaturgii. to jest sprawozdanie. poza tym: to chyba polskojęzyczne forum, o ile się nie mylę?
ps: podziwiam za wytrwałość;P

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