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Polski Portal Literacki

Family show

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Ostatni podryg...wczoraj,
zabłąkany we mgle telewizora,
stabilizuje oddech,
ustawia glosnosc.
Uwaga jestesmy na antenie,
dlaczego tu tak glośno? kto te okno otworzył?
ej!...zostaw bo zimno,
to ta ściana, ona jest z lodu.
głupi dzieciak...
znowu się czegoś naćpał.

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let's go

one man at the window
one girl at the bar
saw that look of recognition
when they know just who you are
i seen you on the tv
i seen you on that show
you make the people crazy
and then you let them go

before the show we calm them
we sympathise, we care
and the hostile folk we keep apart
'til the red light says 'on air'
did you see our leather lovers
all tied up to the chair
did you catch those child molesters
no one else goes there

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