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Polski Portal Literacki

„Translation of a compiled argument about the tragic nature of love”

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What can you tell me about love
it’s a gift sent far from the above
some say you are blessed for life
for me it’s still the edge of a knife….

it can pierce your soul very deep
like a dangerous mountain steep
you can fall to non ending misery
feel the taste of bitter treachery….

void that was left by her departure
can turn in to a depressive rapture
causing your brain to go insane
poisoning you like a toxic bane….

but still the madness in your heart
it tears your consciousness apart
leaving your good emotions to die
and giving life to a liberating cry….

hungrily devours your dying mind
making happy while being blind
constantly cuts you of from reality
bringing you to a verge of fatality….

you could fight her for your rights
but nobody will hear these shouts
try to kill her ghost inside of you
that’s what she wants you to do….

loves cruel damnation onto defeat
makes your life vengeance sweet
when you triumph over the destiny
you defeat the worst mortal enemy….

so why do I play this vile symphony
when I’m immune to unusual agony
I need a painfully unstable condition
because it’s my weak life definition….

reading awkward theories of sanity
realize that I want this mind remedy
inevitable as it may seem for you all
to love is my most important goal….

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