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y/n: ayo

tajemniczy diler: ayo


y/n: masz towar?

tajemniczy diler: zawsze

y/n: wyślij zdjęcie wtedy byczku


y/n: gdzie mój towar

tajemniczy diler: daj moment, trzeba wyjąć

y/n: ayo byczq nie mam całego dnia

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tajemniczy diler: *wyciąga prochy*

y/n: trzymaj hajs

tajemniczy diler: *zauważa, że to tylko połowa należnych pieniędzy*

tajemniczy diler: a reszta?

y/n: *próbuje odejść*

tajemniczy diler: *o_O* STÓJ

y/n: MAKE ME

tajemniczy diler: **

y/n: **

tajemniczy diler: *pisses*

y/n: dostaniesz resztę, kiedy uwolnisz zakładników

tajemniczy diler: chyba w snach

y/n: *bites their lip*

tajemniczy diler: *comes closer*

y/n: nie zmuszaj mnie do wezwania policji *licks tajemniczy diler's eyeball*

tajemniczy diler: zabiorą nas obu *o_O*

y/n: *moans*

tajemniczy diler: *touches your a$$*

y/n: *moans louder*

tajemniczy diler: yuh *bites his lip*

y/n: *szepcze tajemniczemu dilerowi w ucho* a ty co ariana grande?

tajemniczy diler: *zrywa strój i ujawnia się ariana grande*

y/n: *cvms immediately*

tajemniczy diler: *hitting high notes*

y/n: *odrywa się od dilera*

tajemniczy diler: *o_O* DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG? *o_O*

y/n: I can't do this... *runs off*

loki: you little shit


loki: *przerywa y/n* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA za późno, już dokonałxś decyzji

y/n: loki?...

loki: nie. *protestuje*

y/n: b-b-b-b-b-but I thought you died-

loki: that's what ur mum thinks too

y/n: how could u do this to me?

loki: I had to...

y/n: why would you say that?...

loki: I fucked ur mum.

y/n: you know my train died in a mum accident...

loki: *o_O*

y/n: you're not the loki I knew

y/n: not anymore...

loki: ur mum died because of my train 

y/n: ur wagon aye *:PPP*

loki: you never knew the real me...

y/n: no. but he did.


loki: THOR

thor: I know you're adopted but you could at least not follow the stereotype and not end up being the embarrassment of the family

loki: who even are you

thor: thor

loki: thor

thor: your brotha

loki: my brotha

thor: how could you fucked this poor girl's motha

loki: why not *o_O*

loki: better than fucking ur mum

loki: she was so tight *o_O*

thor: I know u had mommy issues since our mom was killed by dark elves but god damn you didn't have to fuck every middle aged woman u saw

thor: ...was she wet tho?

loki: as always. wanna try?

thor: brotha stop.

loki: why? I never stop first 


thor: stop touching my neck, u know that's my sweet spot

loki: ik, come on

thor: and not in public u know that makes me uncomfortable...

loki: we can go somewhere... where no one will see us... yk

harry potter: *wlatuje na hardodziobie*

loki: wth. what are you doing here. leave us alone. we need privacy.

y/n: loki leave him alone

loki: I will never leave him alone. why would I do that?


loki: WHAT THE HELL? this is so fucked up

y/n: *do harry'ego* loki fucked my mum


harry potter: AVADA KEDAVRA *zabija lokiego*

loki: and I will fuck the whole world... *dies*

y/n: hey thor, harry wanna go to paris together? 

thor: yknow we don't even have to book 3 rooms, not even 3 beds, we can share 1 bed...

harry potter: sharing is caring

y/n: we don't even need a bed, we won't sleep anyways ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

thor: ikr, floor is good enough

y/n: back of a car is also amazing

thor: yknow, if there's a public restroom...

y/n: or a cementery...

thor: or a changing room...

thor: or a roller-coaster

harry potter: damn. adrenaline would be hitting HARD

y/n: a kebap place...


y/n: ah yes keep that kebap right there... that's where it's supposed to go... you're supposed to eat it harry. idc if u don't like it. don't u dare spit it out.

thor: yeah come on harry


y/n: yeah come ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) harry

thor: it's not that HARD harry

y/n: would you prefer thor's kebap harry? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

thor: yeah harry come on... faster... or not ig it's the age gap that makes it so uncomfortable

y/n: maybe it's another type of a gap ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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