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Mail z Moskwy.

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Dear xxx, I could not even imagine that in my life I would have to go through such a time, which is unfolding these days. This is a complete shock for all of our office in Moscow and our families. From history we know what painful events happened in every century, incl. the beginning and the middle of the 20th century and even my parents have to go through it and suffer in their childhood of 5 and 10 years kids. It is a pity that now, in the 21st century, such hardships also falling to our lives. I grew up back in the days of the USSR, when the country was completely united and we did not even feel any difference between the regions. My father is 100% Ukrainian, my mama is 100% Russian, we have been connected to both extended families, origins and places. And how can it be split now? In any case, ordinary Russians will be paying a heavy price for these events - you may see various details broadcasted on TV, and my opinion is that our life is now completely destroyed, for the rest of years. Recovery even to previous modest level will be slow for many years and decades to go in future. And our kids will have to live in this disturbed and isolated country behind the iron curtain. Many things are on the mind but this is not easy to give it these days: LinkedIn is blocked for use in Russia, so it's not very convenient for me to use it, I'm not sure that I can respond quickly. Last open-minded media like Ekho Moskvy or Dozhd internet TV or Meduza got shut down by the government. Heavy criminal punishment announced for even a little protest action.... I am not sure we ever will meet but I am glad of your contacts, be it on a good or not so good occasion. All the best and take care!



Autentyk od znajomego, nie poprawiam, nie tłumaczę, nie komentuję.


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takich rodzin na Ukrainie, czy w Rosji, gdzie jedno z rodziców jest z sąsiedniego państwa


jest zapewne cała masa. I dzisiaj to naprawdę spory problem. U nas społeczeństwo


zostało podzielone przez idiotyzm - politykę.


Tam, przez polityka.





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