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My anxiety is up the roof. 


I can't find the thought that's causing it, yet I am deafened by it’s growl.
I suspect it might be lost in the nothingness of the chaos that surrounds all of my being.


I feel like screaming my forgotten name through its bloody tears. 
Everything is wobbly.


Oh The Big Unknown of my selfless being, why are you so vast?


Something heavy is crushing my chest. Sitting like an unforgettable mistake and making my every breath hard to catch.

I feel cautiously hidden away from the rays of hope.


Dear tomorrow, fold me into the acceptance of the present moment, hold me close to the safety of divine timing and let me love every point of my yet unresolved trauma.

Don’t let those heavy energies drag me again wherever they please, keep me afloat and please, I beg you, don’t you ever think you are alone. 

Be certain that you became you for a reason. And though through the pain and struggles of many you too were created through their love, joy and strength that you so abundantly have in your vibrating wholeness. 


You are loved. 
You are worthy of existence on this, and every other plane. 
You can take the space. 
Your needs deserve to be heard and fulfilled.


I know it is painful, but please, remember who you are, where you’ve been and where it took you.


And don’t you ever define your Tomorrow by your Yesterday.


Lilith Wild

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